Australia has always been a racist nation. Between 1901 and 1973 it even had a blatantly racist policy, generally known as the White Australia Policy, of excluding non-whites from coming to Australia. White Australia’s history of ill-treating its indigenous peoples is also well-known, and continues covertly even today. The racism of blood and biology has always been a part of white Australia’s past and it continues into the present.
But this last decade has seen the introduction of a new kind or racism; the racism of religion and culture, a racism that was first framed for the benefit of the public by Australian historian Robert Manne. Manne wrote his article, ‘
Beware the new racism’, a year after 9/11. He observed how, soon after 9/11, the phenomenon of Islamaphobia had emerged within Australian society.
It wasn’t long before the two racisms merged. The so-called ‘war on terrorism’ has provided new grist for the Australian racist’s mill; an excuse to continue their racist rhetoric disguised as ‘anti-terrorist opinion’. The recent arrests of a so-called ‘terrorist cell’ in Melbourne have been heaven sent for Australia’s racists. It has provided them with the cover they need to voice their blatant and outrageous racist views.
Leading the racists on their new-found crusade against non-white and Islamic Australians are the likes of Murdoch propagandists Andrew Bolt of Melbourne’s ‘Herald-Sun’ newspaper, and Tim Blair of Sydney’s ‘Daily Telegraph’.
Bolt’s column has featured a number of pieces about the arrests of the so-called terrorists in Melbourne. One, for example, is titled ‘
Importing Trouble’ and another is titled ‘
Time to talk about Islam’. No prizes for guessing where Bolt is going with these two pieces. The thing is with Bolt is, he’s not quite dumb enough to be directly racist; he does it, instead, by inference and then allows those bloggies that comment on his blog to do the rest for him. In doing so Bolt exposes his own racism and, of course, his bloggies don’t hold back expose their own racism which Bolt revels in.
Let’s take a look at a few of Bolt’s Bloggies comments. You can see these and others via the links above.
‘Kerry of Brisbane’ responds to ‘Time to talk about Islam with:
Good points Andrew, especially point 5. Why do we bring people into the country who by culture and religious conviction are incapable of integrating with us. Islam is totally theocratic and has no teaching of “render to Caesar the things that are Caesars, and to God the things that are God’s” as we find in Christianity. And how many of them will submit themselves to civil authorities as “ministers of God for the common good”? And even so called “good Muslims” still carry the book that says they must fight (make jihad) until Islam is the only religion. It just cannot work.
Then there is ‘Neville’ who reckons:
Absolute crock of crap, they don’t fit in with a Christian country, piss ’em off! When they start to out these militants themselves, and kicking them out of the country, I will start listening to apologies. Till then, I believe they know about these Jihadists in their midst but choose to turn a blind eye. If you knew you had a murderer living next door would you turn a blind eye?
Habibi of Melbourne writes:
Fantastic column Andrew. The regular occurrence of Islamic violence happens somewhere on the globe daily, it’s only a matter of time until everyone gets their share. Islamic fundamentalism is on the rise as nationalism loses currency with the newer generations and people turn to religion for identity. Even if only 10% of Muslims hold fundamentalist views we’re dealing with over 100 million fundamentalist’s world wide. There is indeed an elephant in the room.
In his ‘Importing trouble’ piece Bolt writes: “…while jihadist ideology flourishes, there are fundamentally two options before us. One is to “drain the pool” - or slash Muslim immigration.”
‘Maggie of Childers’ responds with this nonsense:
If this behaviour and lack of respect is not enough to have alarm bells ringing in the ears and minds of do-gooders and apologists I do not know what will, perhaps that the alleged terrorists could have been martyrs having massacred our men and women who fight for the freedom of all people.
Maggie thinks that ‘our men and women’ are fighting ‘for the freedom of all people’, forgetting entirely that our men and women are doing no such thing. They are actually over there in Islamic lands killing thousands of Muslims – which, of course, is why they are over here trying to kill Westerners.
‘Upto of Brisbane’ says:
Sally Neighbour suggests that simply screening Muslim refugees more carefully is not the answer: I’d agree. Stopping their emigration altogether to Australia makes a lot more sense. If they are not here, we have less problems to deal with.
Meanwhile, at
Tim Blair’s blog, ‘Lefroy’ comes out with this gem:
To even hint that Australians - the fairest, least racist, most welcoming people in the world, who have unconditionally thrown open their doors to these wretchedly poor people - to even hint that Australians have “overreacted” or “behaved unjustly”, is beneath contempt; and to say so in “the Age” is just guilt-mongering and race hustling.
‘Most welcoming people in the world’? After John Howard sent in Australian commandos on to a Norwegian ship at sea to send a message that the asylum seekers definitely weren’t welcome in Australia?
‘Lefroy’ is the quintessential Australian racist.
See for yourselves exactly how racist Australia is.