The Murdoch propagandist and racist, Andrew Bolt of Melbourne’s ‘Herald Sun’ newspaper, has been caught yet again attempting to deceive readers with an utterly dishonest narrative relating to Aboriginal history and the removal of children for racial purposes. Bolt claims that the film, ‘The Rabbit Proof Fence’, was a fraud. He says that there was no attempt by the ‘West Australian chief protector responsible for their removal, Auber Octavius Neville, to “breed out the colour” by marrying off half-caste Aboriginal girls to whites as depicted in the film’ endorsing historical revisionist Keith Windschuttle’s view.
Yet we know for a fact from letters from A.O. Neville that he was concerned about half-caste girls marrying full-blooded Aboriginal men. Even Windschuttle in this instance concedes that Neville’s concern was to support a program to “breed out the colour”. Bolt denies there was any program to “breed out the colour” yet the letters from Neville held by the West Australian government show that there was.
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