Andrew Bolt of the Melbourne, Australia, ‘Herald-Sun’ newspaper (owned by who else but Rupert Murdoch), wrote in his column today that “If Israel killed Mabhouh, it was… because of the threat he posed to the lives of Israelis today”.
Based on Bolt’s logic, one could argue that, if it’s OK to assassinate people that are a threat to you, then it would be OK for Hamas to assassinate, say, Gabi Ashkenazi, Israel’s chief of staff, on account of the threat he poses to the lives of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
Not only does this sorry excuse for an Australian support the notion of targeted assassinations, but he actually criticises those that speak out against the practise. If this Murdoch-paid racist lunatic had his way, he’d no doubt be happy to extra-judicially execute all of the West’s enemies – particularly if they happen to be Muslims and better still if they’re in Australia if the way he relentlessly demeans and vilifies Islam in Australia is anything to go by.
Bolt wrote: “Fraser’s [referring to Malcolm Fraser, a former Australian Prime Minister] suggestion that Jews are just trading on the Holocaust dead is morally despicable, and bordering on anti-Semitism.”
What Fraser actually was quoted as saying was, “the Jewish state could no longer use the Holocaust as an excuse to justify state-sanctioned murder, and criticism of its policies should not be dismissed as anti-Semitism”.
Clearly, Fraser was not referring to ‘Jews’ generally as Bolt asserts but to the ‘Jewish State’, the Zionist State, whose apparatchiks have indeed invoked the Holocaust to justify killing their enemies claiming that such killings are aimed at preventing another ‘holocaust’. The reality, of course, is that Mabhouh, who certainly did buy arms for Hamas, was not doing so in order to create another ‘holocaust’ but simply to defend Palestinians in the Gaza Strip from the Israelis that frequently invade and indiscriminately kill civilians in the Gaza.
Fortunately, most Australians don’t go along with Bolt’s Islamophobic and other blatantly racist nonsense, but it’s unfortunate that the vocal few that do support him and several others of Murdoch’s propagandists are the ones that are bringing Australia’s reputation as a successful multicultural society into disrepute.
Lavrov speaks to US bloggers
1 hour ago
Totally agree with your comments. Why is Andrew Bolt so pro-Jewish - almost as if there is a gun to his head if he doesn't make the comments he does in the Murdoch papers?
ReplyDeleteI wonder sometimes if Bolt has always been so pro-Jewsih. His racist style is more of the old-style European anti-everything that isn't white and nordic. Working for Murdoch may have forced him to change his slant. Oddly enough there are quite a large number of European neo-Nazi style right-wingers that have moved away from anti-Semitism simply because they see Islam as a greater threat to them.
ReplyDeleteIf Andrew Bolt is not of Jewish descent himself,one must ask the question, what are his motives? I have been reading his anti-Islam rants for years and am of the view that he carries a pro-Jewish agenda backed by the Melbourne Jewish Council.He too is strongly connected with former Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Downer who also was a pro-Jew advocate throughout the Prime Ministership of John Howard.Andrew Bolt is completely bereft of a partial objective view on the entire Arab-Israeli impasse,almost to the point of hysterical and delirious.He has no ethical or moral integrity,just like other Murdoch papers and networks in the like of Fox News.He is owned!
ReplyDeleteMurdoch himself has very strong Jewish connections. His mother is Jewish.
ReplyDeleteAndrew bolt gets millions of hits a month, you don't.....
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ReplyDeleteJen O'Malley Dillon advised the Trudeau Liberals as a hired consultant for the 2015 election, spoke at a Liberal party convention and addressed a three day strategy retreat.The coronavirus has laid waste to old playbooks it's cancelled public events and pushed campaign activities online, and into a virtual realm dominated by Donald Trump.There's broad acknowledgement among top Democrats that online campaigning is currently a Trump strength.Twitter and Facebook followers than Biden; he generates multiple times more Google searches.CBC NewsTrump's campaign is using more sophisticated tactics, too, for gathering voter data and spreading his message: On his phone app, for instance, fans get prizes for publishing pro Trump social media posts.Barack Obama's former campaign manager says that worries him."I hate him," said Messina, who was Obama's campaign manager in 2012, with O'Malley Dillon as his deputy manager."But he's Coach Handbags Clearance doing a great job of that."In March, Biden hired O'Malley Dillon, who had led Beto O'Rourke's unsuccessful run.She briefed volunteers last weekend about Biden's plan to ramp up his online presence. It involves more Yeezy Discount ad spending, a relaunched website and a doubling of his digital team, which will now include alumni from other Democratic campaigns and online sites like Buzzfeed Video.Her team lost that battle. Her Canadian allies had more luck in 2015.O'Malley Dillon spoke especially often with New Jordan Shoes 2020 Katie Telford, now Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's chief of staff, as the Liberal Party modernized its voter outreach operations.Several Ray Ban Outlet members of Trudeau's entourage, speaking in interviews, recalled her appearance at a three Coach Outlet day strategy session in Ottawa in mid 2015 where she grilled senior staff about their campaign plans.